How to Divide Household Chores for a Happy Home

Keeping your home clean is important not just to your physical health but also to your mental well-being. Between a career and raising a family, dealing with household chores may start to feel overwhelming. When you divide and delegate house chores among the family, life is better for everyone. Here are some reasons why dividing house chores is beneficial and how you can assign them to spouses, roommates, and children. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to enjoy a clean home and a peaceful co-existence.


Benefits of sharing household responsibilities

There are many benefits to sharing household chores and responsibilities, such as:

  • Ease stress

When everyone pitches in on doing chores, it eases the pressure off of just one household member. Sharing chores enables everyone to have a job while allowing you some time and space to relax.

  • Having more time for other activities

If chores are shared, it frees up time to enjoy other activities like going to the movies, playing sports, or simply enjoying an evening out with friends.

  • Breaking gender stereotypes

Delegating chores to a male roommate or husband helps to break gender stereotypes. Doing the dishes and vacuuming isn’t just for women. These are common chores that people of all genders can and should participate in.

  • Fair balance at home

When you divide house chores, everyone does their fair share to pitch in. This creates an even balance of responsibilities and also promotes respect between family members or roommates.


Dividing chores in a marriage: Tips to divide tasks with your spouse

When one spouse is responsible for all household chores, it can cause stress in a marriage. Here are some tips to help you when dividing chores in a marriage.

  • Prioritise

Start by making a list of the house chores that are most important and determine which ones you need help with the most.

  • Create a timetable

Developing a set timetable will encourage your spouse to get their chores by a specific time without feeling pressured. Let them complete the tasks within this timeframe before reminding them about it.

  • Communication is key

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember to keep the lines of communication open. Lack of communication is one of the biggest causes of divorce, and it shouldn’t get in the way of your ability to divide household chores.

  • Appreciate each other

Don’t forget to show gratitude when your spouse helps with chores. Whether it’s a nice meal out or just a simple “thank you,” showing appreciation makes sharing the burden much easier.

  • Keep it fair

If your spouse has plans and can’t complete a chore, remember to be as fair as possible. Don’t overwhelm your other half with the bulk of the chores, either. Sharing in the work will ensure a happier, more even partnership.

  • Take turns

You can also rotate between chores, taking turns doing the more burdensome ones. This is another great way to keep things delegated fairly.

  • Pick specific days to complete household chores

If you have plans during the week, dedicate one day on the weekends to finish chores. Choosing a specific day will set a routine that ensures everything gets done.

  • Don’t criticize how they choose to accomplish their chores

Maybe your spouse prefers to wash dishes by hand. Whatever way they choose to complete chores, it’s important not to criticize them, as long as the work is getting completed.

  • Open running dialogue with your partner

Keep an open dialogue with your partner as often as possible. This will ensure that you’re both content with your everyday chores and will open the door to new ideas and new ways of doing things for the future.


Dividing chores with your roommate

Here are some tips regarding divvying up chores between roommates:

  • Discuss the Chores

Talk to your roommate about what you expect regarding household chores, and make sure you’re on the same page before you move in together if possible.

  • Define your definition of clean

Some peoples’ definition of a clean home might not be the same as yours. Set some guidelines for your roommate so that everyone knows what’s expected in terms of cleanliness in shared areas, like the living room and kitchen.

  • Agree on a cleaning schedule

Come up with a cleaning schedule you can agree on. This is particularly important if you both have different work hours and don’t want to disturb your roommate while they’re sleeping.

  • Determine how to keep each other accountable

Whether it’s through a chart on a chalkboard or some other method, make sure you both agree on how to hold each other accountable when it comes to getting your chores done.


How to include your kids in house cleaning duties

Households with kids should get them involved in sharing chores.  Easy tips to help you get started.

  • Give young children simple tasks

Small children can begin with easy tasks like putting toys away to set a good foundation for helping more as they get older.

  • Choose age-appropriate chores

Make sure you delegate chores appropriate for your child’s age so they don’t get overwhelmed or become accidentally injured.

  • Use chore calendars & reward systems

Keep a chore chart or calendar visible, so everyone knows their job. A reward system, like an allowance or a special treat, helps to keep kids motivated.

  • Involve children in the decision-making process

Ask your children for their input and opinion regarding chores so that everyone feels like their voice is heard.


Benefits of including your kids

There are many benefits when you include your kids in household chores, like:

  • Kids Who Do Chores Are More Successful

Teaching kids to do chores encourages drive and motivation, which may help them become more successful in life as they get older.

  • Make them more responsible

Dividing household chores among your kids will teach them responsibility and accountability.

  • Self-esteem

Chores provide a sense of accomplishment, which may also boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

  • Setting a role model

Teaching your children how to do household tasks sets a good role model for them and shows them how to take care of their homes and themselves.

  • Encouraging Participation

When everyone participates in chores, it creates a sense of togetherness and solidarity while also getting them involved in activities around the rest of the family.


Age-appropriate chores

It’s important to assign chores to children that are appropriate for their age. Here’s the breakdown:

Ages 3 to 6

  • Make their own bed:

Have your young child start making their own bed as early as possible to set the stage for good habits.

  • Put away their toys in their bedroom:

Ask young children to pick up their toys in their bedroom and put them away every day.

  • Set the table for a meal:

Your little ones can help you start to set the table for mealtimes at this age-just make sure they’re supervised.

  • Help feed pets:

Ask your child to help feed the family pet. This is a great way to teach them how to care for others at a young age.

  • Sweep the floors:

Have young children help with sweeping floors, especially if you can get a child-sized broom.

  • Clean and wipe surfaces with water:

Use a bit of water and a soft rag to teach your child how to clean off surfaces they can reach.

  • Dust low-to-the-ground furniture (at their height):

Little kids can dust low-lying furniture like coffee tables or wooden chairs, so they can start helping out early.


Ages 6 to 9: All of the above plus…

  • Dry dishes:

While they might not be ready to wash dishes at this age, your children can start to dry things off using a towel.

  • Gather dirty dishes and bring them to the kitchen:

After mealtimes, have your child gather dirty dishes and bring them into the kitchen to take the burden off you.

  • Wipe down tables and surfaces:

At this age, your kids can now start to wipe down tables and surfaces using water with a little bit of dish soap.

  • Fold clean towels:

Ask your children to fold clean towels and put them in the linen closet, bathroom, or other locations.

  • Pull the sheets and pillowcases off their own beds:

Your child can start removing them from their own beds and putting them in a laundry hamper or the washing machine.

  • Collect toys throughout the house and put them away:

Continue to have your children collect books, games, and toys throughout the home and put them neatly away daily.

Ages 9 to 12: All of the above plus…

  • Help scoop up pet poo in the yard:

At this age, your child can begin to help scoop up pet poo in the yard and throw it away.

  • Pull weeds in the yard with gloves:

Ask your child to help you pull weeds in the garden with a good pair of gardening gloves. It’s also a great way to spend bonding time together.

  • Help carry in groceries and put them away:

Children between 9 and 12 can help their parents carry the groceries inside and put them in their proper place.

  • Wash fruits and vegetables:

Teach your kids how to wash fruits and vegetables so that they’re clean and ready to eat.

  • Peel and cut fruits and vegetables with supervision:

Children can start to learn how to peel and cut fruits and veggies at this age, as long as they are supervised the whole time.

  • Assist with cooking basic foods:

Now is a good time to show your kids how to cook some basic foods using the toaster oven or microwave and how to follow cooking directions. They should continue to be supervised whenever they handle an appliance or hot food.

  • Fold their own laundry and put it away:

Teach your children how to fold laundry properly. Once their clothes are folded, they can put them in their dresser or closet.


When you divide house chores, it makes life easier for everyone. Not only is sharing household chores better for you, but it’s a good way to teach children important skills and to share responsibilities between spouses or roommates. With the right plan in place, dividing your household chores is easy and allows everyone to have more free time and a clean, safe home to live in.

Without doubt, Mega Cleaning’s experts can help you with a variety of professional cleaning services at an affordable cost! You can easily get in touch with our friendly team via phone, email or our website.