Homemade Detergents for Clean and Healthy Home

Think green, clean green – make homemade detergents

We from MegaCleaning are seeking of having a clean and tidy home. People often forget that in fact, the majority of cleaning products on the market are not harmless- both in short and long term for you and your family health. For this reason, we will offer you practical ideas for alternatives to the conventional cleaning products that you can make at home. This way you can avoid the heavy chemistry which is an integral part of every bottle you buy from the nearby store. Not to forget the fact that, the homemade cleaning products will improve the air quality in your property and also are beneficial for allergy suffers.

Several recipes that will give you up from the standard cleaning products sold in the stores

Here are few easy to mix recipes to help you clean each corner of you home safe and efficiently. We recommend labelling each bottle so you can easily find what you are looking for. Also, you can buy different colours spray bottles for each type of cleaning detergent that you will mix.

Our list of green homemade detergents:

  • Universal cleaner

½ tbsp. liquid dish soap
4 tbsp. white vinegar
2 tbsp. baking soda
14 oz. warm water
Mix all ingredients and transfer to a spray bottle for easy dosing and use.


  • Detergent powder

2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
¼ cup white vinegar
1 cup hot water
Mix all ingredients and transfer to a spray bottle for easy dosing and use.

  • Toilet cleaner

¼ cup baking soda
¼ cup borax
1 cup white vinegar
Pour the mixture directly into the toilet bowl, let it act 30 minutes and then clean with a brush the contaminated surface.

  • Cleaning granite surfaces

½ cup 70% alcohol
8 drops of liquid soap wash
2 cups hot water
Stir well the mixture and transfer it into a spray bottle.

  • Detergent for cleaning glass surfaces

¼ white vinegar
¼ cup 70% alcohol
1 tbsp. corn-starch
2 cups hot water
Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.

  • Tiles cleaner

½ grapefruit
¼ cup coarse salt
Sprinkle the half of the grapefruit with the salt and rub the tiles with it, like you are using a sponge.

  • Detergent for cleaning joints

½ cup baking soda
¼ cup white vinegar
Apply a little bit of the mixture on a toothbrush and scrub the joints. Leave the solution to work for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

  • Mould cleaner

1 teacup hot water
2.5 tbsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. washing powder

Mix the baking soda with hot water and stir well, then add the washing powder. Soak a toothbrush or a sponge in this solution and scrub the joints and other areas that have mould. It works absolutely amazing and the great results are guaranteed. And you will avoid the terrible smell of bleach which is the main product in such cleaning detergents for treating mould.

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